I got part way down the rabbit hole before I found this nice looking Python project. It looks very complete. The GitHub project is worth a look too.
Python Markdown Generate Pdf
![Python Markdown To Pdf Python Markdown To Pdf](https://mike.place/post/resume.md/resume.png)
The python allows writing in Markdown with meta-data headers and then posting directly to a WordPress blog.
I might still continue with my work since I like using Marked to get the HTML for a post. Marked provides a beautiful preview of the post as a sanity check. If you see some wonky looking posts in the future, it’s a good chance I I’ve started posting using a Python script and didn’t consider some edge-case.[1]
Python Markdown To Pdf Conversion
- This post was written in MultiMarkdown Composer, previewed with Marked and then uploaded from a Keyboard Maestro macro. Yeah, I think I’ve gone off the rails this holiday break. ↩
![Python Python](https://media.timesfreepress.com/img/news/tease/2010/01/31/0131_web_ln_snakes_t1070_h6f31b263aaa826ee8c00e10a9f1c1b7a4234525f.jpg)
GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. أريد تحويل دفاتر ملاحظات ipython الخاصة بي لطباعتها ، أو ببساطة إرسالها بتنسيق html. لقد لاحظت أن هناك أداة للقيام بذلك بالفعل ، nbconvert. على الرغم من أنني قمت بتنزيله ، إلا أنني.